
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunny Sunday Send-Off

Some Info...

I've been getting some questions about this, and since the invitation was intentionally vague, I thought I'd clarify some things:
 - From what people say, weddings go by in a blur, especially for the bride and groom. This Sunday event is a chance to see everyone again and hopefully get to spend some time hanging out before people have to leave town.
 - It is sort of a Come-And-Go-As-You-Please kinda deal. Pop in, have a little nosh, give us a high five, and then splitsie. Or... Stay and play some washers, visit with some friends, eat a lot, take a nap -whatever. It is unrestricted, hang out and visit time.
 - It goes from about 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Feel free to come at any point!
 - The address is 423 Apache Ct. Paso Robles, CA 92683 at the home of Kate & Ben Taylor.

If you have any questions, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah & Gary!!
    Finally made it to the site. I am so sorry for not getting here earlier but it seems that life sometimes takes you on paths that dictate a serious loss of time. Anyways - I am so happy for the both of you and hope that all is well as I know it can get frustrating as the date gets closer. Take care, you both need to come by before the day - its getting close.
    Your friend for almost a lifetime!!
